Shop Local Delmarva is happy to report that its daily average traffic flow has increased from one or two visits per day a month ago to three or four visits per day this month. The increase in traffic can be attributed to better search engine placement and social networking promotion.
At the present time, no businesses are listed in the directory. Hopefully, those who have visited Shop Local Delmarva have bookmarked the site for future reference in hopes the site will grow. Shop Local Delmarva has begun an agressive campaign to reach out to the locally owned businesses on Delmarva to make the site useful for the visitors looking for their locally owned businesses. The campaign includes new advertising on Craig's List and WBOC classifieds as well as personally visiting our locally owned businesses.
As always, all locally owned businesses can be listed for free under the Basic subscription plan. The Basic plan is and always will be free. In addition to the Basic Plan, Shop Local Delmarva currently offers two affordable paid subscriptions to enhance your business' Internet presence. Locally owned businesses can test ride the paid subscriptions for free!
Shop Local Delmarva has set a minimum goal of 100 listed businesses in the directory and a daily average traffic flow of ten visitors before Shop Local Delmarva will begin charging for the subscription services. Until those minimum standards are met, your business can be listed under the paid subscription plans for free. Once the minimum goals are met, Shop Local Delmarva will give you the option of continuing your subscription at the listed price or change your listing to the free, Basic plan at no charge to you.
To put the numbers in perspective, with an average daily flow of ten visitors, about 300 potential customers will visit the site each month. With 100 businesses listed, that translates to three new potential customers per business. With Shop Local Delmarva's low subscription rates, one new customer per month will pay for the subscription service.
Judging by the input Shop Local Delmarva has received so far, many people on Delmarva want to support their locally owned businesses and need an easy resource to find them. Shop Local Delmarva offers that resource, but can only be as successful as the support it receives from the locally owned business community. Get listed today! It's free!
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