Since December, Shop Local Delmarva has consistently averaged around 625 visitors per month. Last month and this month, the average has dropped a bit.
Top keywords used to find Shop Local Delmarva are "shop Delmarva" or some variation of those words like "local shopping on Delmarva" followed by a search for specific businesses, namely Taylor's Organics, Delmarva Popcorn, and ATL Bistro and Bar.
The top pages visited were the Classified Ad section followed by JEM Lumber (I suspect because of their special they ran last month) followed by Shop Local Delmarva's articles followed by the Shop Local Delmarva Virtual Mall.
Two possible reasons for the slight drop in monthly visitors: it's summer and people tend to be on the computer less and possibly, first time visitors aren't finding the directory "useful" as there are only a handful of businesses listed.
If you own a business that fits the description of "locally owned and operated", please get listed. Your basic listing is and always will be free. While the site is growing, you can list in the classified ad section for free and if you serve all of Delmarva (including selling online), you can have a store front in the Virtual Mall for free.
The bigger the directory, the more visitors will use Shop Local Delmarva and the more likely new customers will find you.
Top keywords used to find Shop Local Delmarva are "shop Delmarva" or some variation of those words like "local shopping on Delmarva" followed by a search for specific businesses, namely Taylor's Organics, Delmarva Popcorn, and ATL Bistro and Bar.
The top pages visited were the Classified Ad section followed by JEM Lumber (I suspect because of their special they ran last month) followed by Shop Local Delmarva's articles followed by the Shop Local Delmarva Virtual Mall.
Two possible reasons for the slight drop in monthly visitors: it's summer and people tend to be on the computer less and possibly, first time visitors aren't finding the directory "useful" as there are only a handful of businesses listed.
If you own a business that fits the description of "locally owned and operated", please get listed. Your basic listing is and always will be free. While the site is growing, you can list in the classified ad section for free and if you serve all of Delmarva (including selling online), you can have a store front in the Virtual Mall for free.
The bigger the directory, the more visitors will use Shop Local Delmarva and the more likely new customers will find you.
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