Monday, March 14, 2011

Shop Local delmarva has been updated

The Shop Local Delmarva website has been updated to include random showcasing of our locally owned businesses and what they have to offer. 

Raffie's offers a good example of what a Premium subscription offers.  Not only is Raffie's featured on the main pages, but, also, promotions for specific products are targetted in the business categories for the counties Raffie's serves.

If you're a locally owned and operated business, you can be listed for free.  You can "test drive" subscription services for a limited time.  Please email us for details.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Welcome Raffie's!

Shop Local Delmarva welcomes Raffie's to the family of locally owned and operated businesses. Located in Talbot County, Raffies also serves Dorchester, Caroline, and Queen Annes counties. Serving Delmarva since 1959, Raffie's offers top quality beds, mattresses, dining sets, and home furniture at greatly discounted prices.