Thursday, October 27, 2011

What Delmarva residents are looking for...

local delmarva coupons
winery Delmarva
queen anne’s shoes
wicomico county produce
accomack county printing companies
accomack county marinas
maryland talbot county hunting store
delmarva shopping
2011 delmarva shops
reasons to shop in your community
delmarva stores

What do the above search phrases have in common?  They all are actual phrases used in the last two months by your potential customer looking for locally owned and operated businesses. 

Don’t lose out on your next potential customer. 

Get listed on the Shop Local Delmarva directory for free!  Basic listings are and always will be free.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Features and Free Test Ride

Shop Local Delmarva has added a new feature, Cornucopia of Coupons, to help our locally owned and operated businesses attract new customers.  If you visit Shop Local Delmarva, you will see the new feature in the Search by County menu.  When a visitor to the site begins a search by county, he will be given a choice to go directly to listed businesses or browse the coupons offered by our locally owned businesses in or serving that county.  While the Cornucopia of Coupons feature is for subscribers to Shop Local Delmarva, all listed businesses can test ride the feature at no cost.   Please email me for details.
Don't forget, you may also take a free test ride of our Classified Ads feature.  The Classifieds section is ideal for businesses that want to clear out inventory or announce big sales events.  Please email me for details and to receive a user logon and password.  At the present time, there are no limits on the number of classified ads a business may list.
As Shop Local Delmarva enters its second year and continues to grow, I am looking towards adding additional features that will help generate business for you.  Some of the features I am looking at adding during this second year include:
  • A "slide show" feature to spotlight coupons being offered.  The "slide show" will display coupons targetting the specific area of the website the visitor is at.  For example, if a visitor is looking at Lawn and Garden businesses, the "slide show" will only display Lawn & Garden and Landscaping businesses.
  • A Shop Local Weekend feature to occur once a month.
  • A Featured Business section, still in the planning, but I hope to have the technicalities worked out before the end of next year.
  • An auction style feature to augment the current Classifieds feature  
These additional features are either in planning or in the works, but implementing them is highly dependent on the growth success of Shop Local Delmarva.  Shop Local Delmarva is near its goal of at least ten visitors per day (300/month), but is far short of its goal of listed businesses.  There are a few ways you can help Shop Local Delmarva grow and become a useful tool for our communities:
  • Tell your favorite locally owned and operated businesses about  Remember, all locally owned and operated businesses are listed at the Basic level for FREE!   The Basic level has always been and will always be free.
  • Tell your friends and family about
  • Whether you are a business owner or a consumer, let me know what other features you would like to see on Shop Local Delmarva. 
  • If you own a business and are already listed, take advantage of the free test ride of our current features.  It doesn't cost anything to try them out and, when the free test ride ends, you will have a better idea if one of our subscription services fits your business needs.  (See our Get Listed table for subscription levels and services.)
Shop Local Delmarva aims to become a valuable resource for the locally owned and operated business community.  I still have a long way to go to meet that goal, but the more input I get from you, the consumer and the business owner, the faster Shop Local Delmarva will meet it.